Thursday, July 31, 2008

Oh great.

So Eric thought he'd sold his contract to his old apartment. Well, let's just say that the guy he "sold" it to has evaded signing a contract with the complex, hasn't paid any rent and is currently getting evicted.

Guess who this hurts? Not the other guy (although he might get prosecuted for trespassing). No, if he doesn't pay Bountiful Court what he owes them, we have to pay them everything since Eric was the last one to sign a contract with them. Great, huh?

I just don't understand how people can consciously choose to cheat people like this. I just don't. And the law can't protect us, because there was no contract signed.

I am trying to stay calm.


Edna said...

Oh, ouch! Isn't life hard? Now there's someone else we need to learn to forgive...Good luck! Hopefully this guy will have a case of guilty conscience and do his best to make things right with everyone.

Katy said...

Geez louise, people drive me CRAZY!!!!! Poor C&E. Good luck with this one.

I See Badgers said...

Lamo dude....lamo.

Amy said...

Man, sometimes the word verification letters are a little tricky for me.

Anyway... I have some friends I could call. They could teach this guy a lesson in responsibility. Just say the word. But not publicly. Call me on a disposable cell, then throw it away.

Edna said...

Amy, I have that same trouble with the word verification letters, too.

Are your friends related to Alan's friend--I think he's from Italy?

I See Badgers said...

guy disappeared the other day. I'll find him one day, but I don't care enough about it to go psycho stalker on him. Lame Luis. That's what I'm gonna refer to him as from now on.