Saturday, November 17, 2012

Family fun

Meet Virginia...Virginia :) This is Virginia and her great-grandmother Virginia Norton.They were in town for Ted's retirement party.
Singing happy birthday for all the Nov/Dec birthdays. Noah thought blowing out his "3" candle was pretty exciting. I guess we don't have to do anything for his birthday now ;)
 Virginia hangin with her cool first cousin once removed, Tom. Although I wonder if it gets complicated since he's Eric's double cousin? Does that make him exponentially related somehow? Ha.
Eric rockin the mustache for Movember (I only support the upper lip hair because it's for a good cause...)
With his Uncle Bruce (both rockin the 'stache). He's wearing his Grandpa Norton's old fedora and his dad's sweet sunglasses from back in the day.
Stephen walked into the family room like this. I couldn't resist a pic.
Virginia and Cael playing together.

It was a wonderful weekend having all of Eric's siblings around. We hosted the bachelor pad (Stephen, David, and TJ stayed with us). Eric took a half day and a personal day, so we had most of Thursday and all Friday and Saturday with family fun. They all took off Sunday after church, but not before all the men were able to give Eric's dad a blessing. I am so blessed to have married into such a wonderful family. It was sad to see them all go, I can truly say I love them as brothers and sisters! Can't wait to see everyone else's pictures (hint, hint).

1 comment:

Jess~ca said...

I have NO PICTURES, but apparently my uncle David downloaded his to my moms computer, now we just have to bug Aunt Janet to send out some and Taber needs to share his pictures/ the movie! I had such a great time, I wish it could have lasted longer so I didn't feel so rushed to soak in everyones company. Can't wait till we can see eachother all again!


p.s. I hope you get some extra moolah and can come visit us in Georgia for Christmas!!:)