Friday, November 30, 2012

When I grow up.

Today I am going to try to avoid dedicating the entire post to my children. They might pop up. Can't help it.

When I grow up, I want to go back to school. Settling somewhere will help. Paying down some student loans will help, too. So I guess Eric needs a raise.

But getting on to my point.

I loved my experience in the BYU public relations program. I thrived on the success I found. I loved hearing my professors praise my writing. I got to serve on a national committee and meet amazing people.

But when I really think back to that time, I feel my stomach tighten in knots. It was stressful. I hated deadlines. I had emotional breakdowns when I got home to my husband at night.

So when I think about my future, I know that I learned a lot of good things from that time, but I don't want to follow that path any further. I also like my job as a health coach, but I really want to return to a college campus and enlarge my sphere of knowledge. Here are some thoughts I have had:

Certified nurse midwife: I would love to help empower women in their birthing experiences. I feel like many doctors treat the mother as a backseat driver in the delivery process....which is dumb. They're kind of front and center and should be in control. I've thought about being a doula, too, but midwifery appeals more. Pros: I would love helping women have meaningful experiences. Cons: Eric was quick to remind me that people die in childbirth. And babies die. Thanks for the encouragement, hun. But he's right. So there's that. Also, nursing school requires a lot of memorization, which I am not so fond of. But I could do it if I really wanted it. OChem.

Licensed therapist: My own experience with my therapist in Richmond was so fulfilling and amazing. One thing that made him such an amazing therapist is that he himself had dealt with similar mental illness. Pros: Again, helping people. Cons: I'm textbook second child and very emotional. I feel others' pain very acutely. I might bring my work home with me too much. I don't know. Something to talk with therapists about, see how they deal with it.

Accountant: I actually LOVED my accounting class at BYU. It was the first time in my life something with numbers made sense to me. It's also a very useful skill set and could help me manage our funds more wisely long term. Pros: lifelong skill set that would come in handy. Cons: Math classes. And pocket protectors.

And on and on. I could add a few more things to this list but then you'd know how absolutely indecisive I am. Although most of you probably already know that if you know me at all.

Sometimes I feel like I never grew up and now I'm at some mid-twenties crisis wanting to figure out what I want to do. I love being a mother, but I also love learning, and I do that best in a classroom setting. I love sitting on the front row and asking questions and answering questions and meeting with my professors to improve my skills. So maybe I don't want any of these careers. Maybe I just want to be a perpetual student. There's nothing wrong with lifelong learning, but when I want it in a classroom it has its price. My time, money, and focus belong to my family, too, not just me.

But don't worry, I don't have the time, money, or focus to do anything at this point. So I'll keep dreaming. I'll let you know if I ever make a decision.


amanda said...

great post! I feel the same, though I don't have quite as much success to look back on :) you were/are always very impressive to me. good luck with your deciding!

Jess~ca said...

I feel the same way :) I hope that in the future we both get to be the student again and learn more now that we appreciate what it's like NOT being able to do those kinds of things...

Matt and Ness said...

Amen, sister. I've been going back and forth lately on whether or not I'll go back to school. Who knows?

WoozleMom said...

I don't know if you remember me from Wymount or not, but I've been lurking for a while. :)

I make the exact same kinds of lists. I would love love love to go back to school someday. (Interestingly, midwife is at the top of my list. Therapist is up there a well; I majored in psychology and actually had a class or two with Jessica.) I'm in the same boat as you, currently -- not enough time or money and too many important and wonderful young-family responsibilities to actually go back. Someday. Until I can, I'll keep dreaming.

Katy said...

Cindy, I didn't realize you were still blogging! But I love this post. Unsurprisingly, I think you should totally go the midwifery route. The way I see it, start as a doula. It would fit the whole stay-at-home mom thing a little better and would allow you to learn more about midwifery without actually committing to all the training. Becoming a certified doula would be a really cool experience. THEN, when you decide to become a midwife, come to the school in Seattle, where you can hang with me. :)

You have other good options, although I'd stay away from accounting--there are enough people crunching numbers out there. Do something that's a little more in touch with humanity. ;) Just sayin'.

Skye said...

Your words struck a chord with me. I crave the educational environment. And I am dreaming about the time when I'll go back.

I think you'd be a great CNM. But all of your options sound great!