Monday, March 5, 2012

We had a baby, it's a girl.

For all the women out there who like detail. And I guess there might be a couple guys who are interested.

THE BIRTH STORY of Virginia Badger

Well, Monday night I got super antsy and made Eric do a lot of heavy lifting to rearrange our room to fit a baby. My due date was still nearly 4 weeks away but I felt a sudden urgency. I sorted, threw things away, and emptied shelves so a baby's things could fit. I felt kind of ready. Sort of. Good thing, too.

Tuesday was a normal day.

Wednesday was a normal day. I had my 36 week checkup. I planned on giving my doctor my birth plan and going over some of the specifics. I knew she would do a vaginal exam, so I thought I would have a good idea of whether I could go on the RS temple trip on Friday (umm, yeah right). Noah slept in really late, so I lay in bed for quite a while and then took my time getting ready, actually putting on makeup and such. It was a nice, lazy morning. I did not notice anything strange about the contractions I was having; they weren't any more intense than they had been, and I was getting myself and a toddler ready, not timing what I figured were more Braxton Hicks contractions, which I had been experiencing since the beginning of my second trimester.

Eric decided to stick around for the appointment (he watches Noah when I go to the doctor because his office is in the same building), so he and Noah were there when the doctor did her exam, eyes wide, and declared that she thought I should probably go across to the hospital and get admitted, since I was 5 cm dilated.


I walked out of the doctor's office as the nurses and desk staff chuckled about how I was in labor and didn't realize it/didn't look like it. We got to the labor and delivery floor and the nurses and desk staff chuckled about how I was in labor and didn't realize it/didn't look like it. They hooked me up to monitors and yes, I was in fact in labor. My contractions were 2 to 6 minutes apart and it looked like I would have a baby that day. A friend came and picked Noah up and Eric and I settled in.

My doctor had ruptured my water sack when I had Noah, but I had a sneaking (and probably very accurate) suspicion that he'd done it just to speed things along. I'd had a successful unmedicated birth, but I felt like I hadn't gotten the chance to see how my body would handle the whole process left to its own devices. Like I told my attending nurse, I plan on having more children, so I want to know what to expect from my body. So I was very determined to stick to my guns. I already knew I could do it unmedicated, so I wasn't worried about that.

I hadn't progressed much after a couple hours, and my doctor made it clear that she would like to break my water. I made it clear that I would prefer not to. She said she'd ask again when she came later. I told her she could ask (I was pretty sure I knew what my answer would be). Eric and I enjoyed a lazy afternoon watching HGTV and dozing off and on. I honestly don't know why I would want to hurry things along. It was the most relaxing day I'd had in a while--Noah was off playing with friends and I got to lay around. Sweet. I honestly did not see what advantage breaking my water would provide except give me sudden, intense contractions that would wear me out (like what happened with Noah, and I was so overwhelmed when it came time to push).

A big shout-out here to my sister, Katy, who was my cheerleader and helped me stick to my guns. I spent a lot of time on the phone with her, and between her support and Eric standing firmly beside me as I made what decisions I wanted/needed to make, I was able to get my way. The following sequence of events also helped.

The nurse checked and I was more dilated, so that was good. But the doctor, she said, still wanted to break my water. She was coming back to the hospital soon and would want things to be moving along...I told her I really didn't want to. She said, ok, well, maybe you should try doing something to move things along naturally. I had already done a few things but had spent a good deal of the last hour or two on the birthing ball. She suggested I try walking a little bit. Ok, I can do that. Eric and I made it about 30 feet down the hall before I was paralyzed by the intensity of my contractions. I couldn't move. Seriously. Eric shuffled me over to a wall and hurried over to ask the nurses for a wheel chair. Somehow they lowered me onto it and took me back to the room. I got back on the birthing ball, but I knew it was go time. I told Eric to tell the nurse that this baby was coming. They got me onto the bed, sat me up, and my water burst--seriously, it popped. Poor nurses didn't know what hit them. The doctor was speeding over, but wasn't there, so they tried to help me control the pushing, which I was fine with because I knew I needed some time to stretch since I had torn pretty bad when I had Noah, but my body did not like it! The doctor came in, snapped on her gloves, and let my body do its thing. I think I maybe pushed twice before Virginia made her entrance. It was such an exhilarating moment and I can't even describe it in words. The NICU nurses were there as an "in-case" since Virginia was technically premature (by 3 days), but she was perfect. We had some skin-to-skin bonding and life was beautiful.

The end.

Oh, and the doctor got to be home before 10 p.m., so I didn't feel too bad making her wait for my body to decide it was time.

The real end.


Taber & Rebecca said...

So, can my second time around be just like yours?

I'm actually trying to have VERY POSITIVE thoughts that I can do it this time around unmedicated and I've been paying more attention to my hypnobabies relaxation techniques. I don't want to be taken by surprise again. ;)

However, I'm afraid if I do go full-term I'm going to be a bit antsy!

Karen said...

Way to stick to your guns! You are amazing!

Jana said...

It is amazing how similar our experiences are. My midwife also had to tell me I was in labor, and about 2 hours before Evie was born we were still hanging out with friends and thinking we had a long way to go. Evie was born 20 minutes after I walked into the hospital room. We are lucky mommies, that's for sure. Can't wait to get to know little Virginia. I love how Noah takes his new job (and uniform) so seriously!

Jenny said...

Congratulations Cindy! What a beautiful baby, and great name too!! Love it. :) What inspired it? ;)

Question for you. We need a new leather couch. Yours looks super cute and comfy. Where did you guys get it, if you don't mind me asking? When you have a second, will you let me know? Thanks! :)

Thanks! Hope you are doing well. You are your family all look darling!! So happy for you! She looks like a total sweetheart! Can't wait to see more pics!!

~Jenny Mathis

Katy said...

Awesome story, Lou. I'm so happy for you that things went so well. It was an awesome day for me, too. I loved turning to the people around me when I was on the phone with you and being like, "She sounds totally normal at 8 cm!" And then we'd all have a good laugh. :) Seriously, you did awesome, and I think you did yourself a real favor by sticking to your guns. You totally rock.

You forgot to mention the illegal snacking you secretly did in the bathroom. One of my favorite parts! :)

Brimaca said...

Oh Boy! I KNOW when I am in labor! I can't walk or talk or anything. Well, I try to, but I usually loose my footing. Whew. I love birth stories. Thanks for sharing!