Pretty much we spend our days trying to figure out things to do that also include water or air conditioning. Here are some pics!

What happens when Dad takes the little man on a walk--Noah had a great time splashing in the fountain at our apartment complex.


Learning the finer points of squirting people with the hose.

At Barnes and Noble for story time. We go every Monday. He usually lasts through most of it, but we always have the train table as a fall-back!

We go to the mall once in a while. I actually put money in this ride for him (first time he's actually ridden in one). He didn't care; it was all the same to him. He just likes pretending to be a big person and drive!

The Children's Museum is our lifeline. Noah and I go at least three times a week (we got a membership). He loves it and I love the air conditioning.

Once in a while we chill at home, but Noah loves to "go." Every morning, once he's had breakfast, he comes up to me and signs "more" and says "go?" He's not much of a homebody.

The library is right across the street from our complex. It is also air conditioned :) Noah loves to "read" the books to me and run around the children's section creating general havoc.

Noah works hard, cell phone in hand while typing away. Poor kid needs a vacation.

Noah loves stickers. Sometimes when he's not interested in anything else I'll pull some out and it keeps him occupied for at least 20 minutes (an eternity in Noah time).

Noah LOVES spending time with Dad in the morning and has major meltdowns when Eric leaves for work. I guess it's good that he's not just attached to me?

Wearing Dad's shirt :)
I love photo of Noah on the couch! He totally looks like he just go caught raiding the cereal box :)
I'm glad you are settling in and finding activities to do!!
how's the ward?
Man, Noah and Sienna would totally be buds. ;-) He's so cute.
Speaking of cute, love your short hair. You're like the only person I know who could pull that off.
Looks a lot like life in O'Fallon. Glad you've found some ways to make life fun already.
The ward is great. I got a calling this week, Laurel/Mia Maid advisor, so I'm excited to be able to get to know some more people that way, too.
Cindy! I can't believe how big your little boy is! Your family is so cute. Hope all is going well for you! - Skye
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