Friday, May 13, 2011


Next week is my birthday. I'm giving myself a new apartment in a new state. Isn't that sweet?

Noah and I are excited to see Grandma and Grandpa Badger and play with cousins while Eric drives our stuff halfway across the country.

Can I bring all my friends with me? I'm going to miss them. Anyone want to move to Lafayette?

Just a few musings. I'm sitting on the floor of our nearly empty apartment pondering the meaning of life, or at least pondering how to care for my soul. I'm not sure who I'll be friends with, what our apartment will be like, how I'll settle into our new home, but I do know that I have the constancy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to anchor me. I have a caring, handsome husband who loves me. I have a son whose face lights up when he sees me, who gives the sweetest cuddles and kisses.

Life is good.


Rosalia Badger Long said...

I am super excited for yall! And isn't it a wonderful thing to have the Gospel?! I am sure that you will have a great time in Louisiana, I wish I could come down there and play! I hope that the transition goes well for yall!

Mari Kjar said...

you are so right... that's what got me through our crazy move. all you need is your boys and the gospel. you'll love louisana!!! the south will win you over. :)