Hey, My name is Eric and I will be the commentator this time around.
We decided to take a break from our apartment and go to Thomas Jefferson's home, Monticello. I am surprised at how much I liked it. The house, grounds, and visitor center are all really well done. I highly recommend it if you are in the Charlottesville, VA area. Also included in this post are some fun pictures of Noah at 11 months. Enjoy!

I'm not usually this happy, but I am standing in an amazing garden and down the hill is the orchard and vineyard. I have to say that Thomas Jefferson had good taste. I wouldn't mind putting up a house on the nearby hill either.

Just behind us are the Blue Ridge mountains and the University of Virginia that Thomas Jefferson founded and designed. Noah appears to have just seen something shady. He's got his "no nonsense" face on in this shot.

Two teeth on the bottom and four on top so far. I can see some others getting close, so that should be fun :)

Sorry son, I didn't know at the time that you weren't in the shot.

Cindy at Monticello. The house was really nice and interesting, but the location and the grounds really steal the show.

Cindy and Noah after church. Somehow I ended up with the best looking group in town.

He is getting really big! By the way, Cindy made that tie with an old tie of mine and some elastic. I think it turned out great.

Noah is wearing some leggings that Cindy made. Apparently Noah felt that leggings and a diaper were all he needed that day. Ah well, he seems to be happy.

Halloween leggings and a Kawasaki Ninja...an odd mix, but Noah comes the closest to making it look good that I know of.

Noah at Bethabara Park in Winston-Salem, NC. We went down this past Thursday for a 2nd interview with Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. I think it went well. We'll see if they give me an offer in a few weeks.
Well, I hope that you enjoyed it all!
I love updates! Noah really is growing up-- He has almost as many teeth as SHANE!! Shane has 5 on top and 3 on bottom--- Noah might just pass him up, bc I don't see anymore coming through anytime soon!
I'm trying to decide what to do for the time capsule---I will have it to you before thanksgiving time!
Love ya'll!
Cindy-you look BEAUTIFUL! I can't believe Noah is so big!
Hi, Eric, nice to meet you. I'm Amy and I will be the commenter this time around. Cindy, LOVE the tie. Looks like you all are having fun times & all looking just as stinking cute as ever. Why not try looking frumpy or something for a change?
Oh, don't worry, Amy, I look frumpy most days. I just don't ask anyone to take my picture on those days. Since I'm usually the photographer it works out well... :)
I love all the pictures! You all look great and I love the fall colors!
How clever you are, Cindy! Tie and leggings! Eric and you continue to amaze me. But I am not amazed at how cute your joint effort in making babies turned out!
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