Monday, October 11, 2010

It's a bear

No, really, it is. Noah's best friend, that is. Our little TEN-MONTH-OLD (he's growing so fast!) loves his teddy bear so much and squeals with delight every time he sees it. He also loves his stuffed ducks and has similar reactions to them, but bear spends each night cuddled close.

Noah now pulls himself to standing every possible moment, and can turn his walking toy all on his own (no more frustrated dead-ends when he runs into the couch, wall, etc.). He'll be walking in no time, and he's very excited about it. I'm still trying to weigh being excited for my son and being sad to see his infancy fade so quickly away!

He is adventurous with food, and will try just about everything I'm eating. He's the typical child, though, and can't resist some good ol' mac & cheese, so when it went on sale last week I stocked up.
Our handsome boy!


amanda said...

he's so cute!

Taber & Rebecca said...

I ditto the comment above! : )

Amy said...

Glad he has a friend to cuddle with!

Katy said...

So cute. Nice when kids latch onto something like that. I've taken a great deal of comfort from E&A's transitional objects that they've chosen. Cute, cute kid!

Edna said...

These are the moments when I am especially thankful for modern technology! Even though we live on opposite ends of the country, I can still watch my grandchildren growing and developing! Now if they would just invent a way for us to hold them for a moment!