Monday, September 20, 2010

This just in!


Edna said...

Way to go, Noah! You'll be walking on your own soon, and then life will change for Mom and Dad!

Derek and Lisa said...

Wow! Look at that smart baby! :)

Taber & Rebecca said...

Okay! I just HAVE to say, that I think Noah is ADORABLE and since I pulled all my scrap-booking stuff out this past week and have seen quite a few baby pics of Eric, I think they look a great deal alike. However, I have heard that babies look like their dads for the first little while so their dads will bond with them. (who knows if thats really true or not)

Taber & Rebecca said...

Oh! if you would like any baby pictures of Eric, just let me know. I've got a few extras. You might already have them though.

Jess~ca said...

Awesome! Shane has recently decided to try running (and falling a lot) but it is HARD to chase a running baby!!

I love the comment Eric makes in the background about him riding a skateboard next week ;) ha ha ha :)

amanda said...


Amy said...

Go, Noah! Think of all the damage you can do soon!